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Englisch Ideas for CS2D

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alt geschlossen Ideas for CS2D

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Well,ive been playing cs2d a lot the last time,but it seemed like something really missed...Last night,i couldnt sleep,so i thought about life...etc and came up with a list of things that could be added in future versions of CS2D
i know some of my ideas are total useless,but i tried to write as much as possible.

-game mode-

-game Mods-(scripters!!)
Magic mod-well,we have 9 weapon slots,and what about this:weapon slot 1:fireball 2 freeze 3 drain hp you lvl up,you get skill points to spend on your magic,getting lvl up and using the skill points to make certain spells stronger
(idea cs 1.6 dbz mod and wolfenstein:ET)

Diablo mod-well,this exists in cs1.6,but only polish
you can choose classes,like paladin,or mage,or ninja and level up,and use those skills to get new powers (like slow healing,invisibility,more hp etc..)you could also hold like 1 item,wich you could randomly find on a lvl up,that makes you have like + 10% hp,or do +10%damage...etc
(idea cs1.6 diablo mod,dark messiah multiplyer)
-New Weapons-
Well,i know a lot of them will suck but
First,i thought of Status alignments,like burned(fire)or poisoned (poison?)where you would like lose 1-5 hp each 1-5 seconds..

-crossbow(you shoot with darts.slow shooting,but 50 damage,also,4 modes,like at the laser you right click to change it.Poison dart;healing dart,explosive dart,stun dart.(idea dark messiah)

-double tmp or mac10(wouldnt that be awesome :p,nobody buys those weapons maybe now,they would be cooler?wah having 60/120 ammo :D)

-double pistols(kinda clear eh,maybe double usp?)

-healing syringe (well,you can carry like 3,and they heal 20 and cure status alignments?)

-healing grenade (ok lol i thought it could give off an aura,and people standing in the aura would get healed for 10 a sec.the nade lasts 10 secs) (idea ps1 game hogs of war)

-Turrets,where you can sit in)
liek a standing turret where you can sit in,and shoot,like at a speed of an m249,but you'd have to reload,you enter them with E,and if you are in one,you have 125 hp and 200 armor?but you can't move,and when it is destroyed,it explodes,dealing serious damage if you were in one)

-a Freeze/stun gun (you can shoot someone,and they get freezed for 2 seconds when hit?

-a poison gun (deals 15 damage on hit and poisons?)

-electric gun 'bzz' (idk,maybe if it hits someone it hits the enemies close to the person being hit)

-remote bombs or drones(you can detonate them with a detonator,once laid)

-medieval meelee weapons?sword?flail?(could be cool for a new mod?)

-a baseball bat (attacking once a second,dealing 50 damage?,regardless of armor?)

-invisibility spheres,rage spheres (the idea is from doom ofc when you pick one up,you have stealth for 10 seconds? rage:you take +20%damage,but it heals 50 hp and you do +20-50%damage?

-eh,the ability to jump over gaps?or walls?->jetpack

-something that heals you over time?

(this would be awesome,press E to get in)
-a motorcycle for 1 person,you cant shoot but move faster

-a buggy,for 4 persons,the first one that gets in drives,and he can change positions with the weapon tabs,the second one can use the turret in the buggy,the other 2 can shoot?but they can be shot from the outside,and the buggy has 200-300hp,and armor?

-a small armored tank,1 guy drives ,but cant be hit from the outside,and 4 other people can hide inside,and they heal 10 damage per second,while in?when it is nearly destroyed,you see flames (env?)

-let your imagination work lol,tanks,heli's,bicycles,skateboards etc Oo

-server hiring:alot of people have difficultieshosting their server,or just cant host them,so maybe,the Cs2D guys a the top (DC???) can hire servers out to players,free or for a payment per slot?those servers are 24/24 hours online

-an official chat program:well i know this from wolfenstein:ET ::i use Xfire,with xfire,you can see what youre friens are playing,and join the same servers as them,press scroll+x to make a pic,press scroll+s to make a vid,etc..(xfire was just an example..,but it already has more than 1000 games added and its easy to use)

-a better anticheat...kinda clear...i see much people hacking (especially speedhacking)and i wanted to try the anticheat out myself,made a quick hack in vb6,injected in,and it never got detected :( maybe,a third party anticheat program should be used (i know this from Warrock,another game).when you launch the game,a third party program launches,and it guards you from cheating,doing so will get your account banned :(like punkbuster,or gameguard

-maybe a site,where we all have our own ID's,from csz2d,and see our stats on it,have an avatar, how long you played,kpd ratio,favourite server..etc..(xfire has that)

this was te most of it,the others wouldnt go anyway like revivication syringe Oo

i hope you will keep this thread alive,and add your own ideas,say how you liked mine,and in the end,we could make a list of ideas you all like,and post it here,i will also edit my post with your ideas!
please post your own,wich you think that would go!
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