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English Spraylogo transfer help

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old Spraylogo transfer help

User Off Offline

i know how map transfer works, but how does spraylogo transfer works? ok i know im looking like a noob now but i really dont know how spraylogo transfer works

also, what is the file bodyparts.png for? its in Gfx folder, whit aparentely no use, also 5 of 8 hostages skins are useless (yeah off-topic i know)

old Re: Spraylogo transfer help

Admin On Online

there are a lot of useless files/frames. don't ask! ignore them! they are either there for future or because I just did not delete them.

spraylogotransfer works this way:
the client tells the server which spraylogo he uses (filename + color) when he joins.
now the server checks if he has a logo with this filename. if not he requests it from the client.
afterwards the server sends the spraylogo to all other clients in the game who do not have a sprayfile with the same name. moreover he sends all the spraylogos of the other clients to the new client (of course only if the new client does not already have these sprays).

a spraylogo is sent as 32x32 bytes of gray values (0 black to 255 white)

(why do you need to know this at all?)

old Re: Spraylogo transfer help

User Off Offline

(offtopic ) haha I remember back in the pre CS2D Max days, when you'd set blood to 10... everytiime you died like 20 skulls would appear out of nowhere

Any hope for colored sprays, DC? Or would that put too much of a strain on the filetransfer system/ encourage porn related spraylogos?

old Re: Spraylogo transfer help

Admin On Online

no. absolutely zero hope for colored (...or animated or bigger...) sprays and I explained that several times already.

old Re: Spraylogo transfer help

User Off Offline

fine, but how do i get other player spray?

because a time ago i saw someone using my very own spray, i made that spray by myself, it had my name and my clan tag, and suddently, there was 2 person whit the same spray

old Re: Spraylogo transfer help

Admin On Online

they did not actually have your spray! it's just the way how cs2d handled it when spraytransfer was either disabled or failed. it just displayed your own spray instead of no spray.

however this has been changed in newer versions. others spray a green Unreal Software spray now when they have a custom spray and transfer was not possible.

old Re: Spraylogo transfer help

User Off Offline

aaahhh... thanks, i tought he had stolen my spray adn spraylogo transfer was the possiblility to take other players spray

map transfer = u get other pppl maps
spraylogo transfer = u get other ppl pray

i tought it was this way

EDIT: DC you can close this thread, but plz dont delete it
edited 1×, last 08.03.09 05:43:45 pm

old Re: Spraylogo transfer help

User Off Offline

why should he delete it? and why do you always think DC has to close all threads after they finished?

old Re: Spraylogo transfer help


DC has written
there are a lot of useless files/frames. don't ask! ignore them! they are either there for future or because I just did not delete them.

spraylogotransfer works this way:
the client tells the server which spraylogo he uses (filename + color) when he joins.
now the server checks if he has a logo with this filename. if not he requests it from the client.
afterwards the server sends the spraylogo to all other clients in the game who do not have a sprayfile with the same name. moreover he sends all the spraylogos of the other clients to the new client (of course only if the new client does not already have these sprays).

a spraylogo is sent as 32x32 bytes of gray values (0 black to 255 white)

(why do you need to know this at all?)

So your saying we don't actually GET the spray?

old Re: Spraylogo transfer help

Admin On Online

of course you get it. otherwise you wouldn't see it. however it's just in your video ram. cs2d does NOT save downloaded spraylogos.

this has 2 reasons:

• people would "steal" and use sprays of others without their permission

• you would collect tons of (ugly) sprays in your logos folder

old Re: Spraylogo transfer help


DC has written
• you would collect tons of (ugly) sprays in your logos folder


Yeah discussion over.
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