CS2D General Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)! DC has written
Also the few people who actively play the game mostly play heavily scripted weird variations which are very confusing to new players. Newbies most likely expect a vanilla 2D conversion of CS.
So why cant we classify the servers, kinda one part full of goodshit servers consisting of the classic standard servers and other part consisting full of bullshit servers with bullshit modes. Giving new users a simple seperate UI to choose servers. That would work nah?
How the fuck? Seldom servers of cs2d aren't modded. Atleast they use an admin script....
Who said we are classifying them based on scripts? Then what? You know the answer. Say it c'mon Say it!!..
That's right ; "maps".
Heavily modded servers will never use mere de_dust as their map.
So we add a vast variety of maps into the goodshit list.
So what the fuck about HC//Fun Kinda servers?? They are modded too!
Can't you people understand the meaning of "heavy modded servers"?. They actually modifies the game completely. The strategy is not killing anymore rather to survive or make money or flatter admin or lead a life (city life village life) . As long as servers have the strategy of killing we can tolerate them to stay on goodshit servers list.
What about newly made standard classic maps? Who will give a fck for them? How? Omg? What??
Then why the fck did @ DC: give away ranks? For enjoying? For having fun?
Alright! so we will have to make some web options or something which will give the moderators (maybe even reviewers) the ability to approve maps to goodshit serverlist. when a map is approved all the servers using that mappy will clearly go into goodshit list.
Admin/mod comment
§2.4 - Use tags sparingly and only when they add value Ajmin has written
Then why the fck did @ DC: give away ranks? For enjoying? For having fun?
Alright! so we will have to make some web options or something which will give the moderators (maybe even reviewers) the ability to approve maps to goodshit serverlist. when a map is approved all the servers using that mappy will clearly go into goodshit list.
Alright! so we will have to make some web options or something which will give the moderators (maybe even reviewers) the ability to approve maps to goodshit serverlist. when a map is approved all the servers using that mappy will clearly go into goodshit list.
Those ranks are for (maintaining the site), if you install the 'Freedom' and 'rights' in your brain, these people can use shit or whatever maps they want, because they pay for the servers, not you or me or mods/admin can decide or tell'em what to use or not to use.
Honestly ur point nowhere touches my view. What i said is to classify the servers based on maps rather than restricting players to use some limited varieties. Neither it does promote or demote any servers rather new users can have an easy UI to choose.
P.S: I offer my sincere gratitude towards you for explaining the powers of staff members of USGN. I never knew about it.
Through this comment you have proved that you are the most benevolent person of USGN. Gl.
I suggest to add more information in this box e.g. how many time remain until the ban is lifted.
You are temporarily banned! (23hr : 00min)
You are permanently banned!
This would be a much better place to output information that you don't want to flood chat with, but still want to display temporarily. such as stat gains, achievments, command usage, etc.
There's no way to do this currently. Trying to mock up something similar with hudtxt would require using multiple functions for creating a queue (multi-line support), moving it up, fading out, ect. And why create another chat-like system when there's already two?
It would be a lot easier if we could just output some text into that system that already exists. No color support required.
This also could be nice, if we can make custom columns via Lua.
Since every player is enemy in deathmatch they should not be named as
Enemy: "..Namewith red colour, but maybe yellow or green(or white) and just
parameters for id and 0/1
Gen_FX has customized color for some effects ( like cs2dcmd:effect )
disable all clients flashlight when mp_flashlight has disabled.
Tweak the "Trigger_move" to have selectable area ( like Env_Hurt )
Info_Storm can be toggled
Possibility for adjusting "Func_Message" font size
I know some of these suggestion will not be passed but I wish they will.
Yes it can be made with lua, but if this feature was by default in the game it would be better.
In case we need to give a mandatory menu/selection this thingy is must. (apparently i am in need of it)