And can it work with U.S.G.N. IDs so I can put more IDs for more admins?

Colors = { green = "000255000", red = "255000000", blue = "000000255", yellow = "255255000" } AdminTable = {} addhook("say","AdminSay") function NewAdmin(USGN,COLOR) 	AdminTable[USGN] = COLOR end function AdminSay(P,T) 	local A = AdminTable[player(P,"usgn")] 	if A then 		msg("©"..Colors[string.lower(A)]..player(P,"name").."(Admin): "..T) 		return(1) 	end 	return(0) end NewAdmin(5537,"Red")
Colors = { green = "000255000", red = "255000000", blue = "000000255", yellow = "255255000" } AdminTable = {} addhook("say","AdminSay") function NewAdmin(USGN,COLOR) 	AdminTable[USGN] = COLOR end function AdminSay(P,T) 	local A = AdminTable[player(P,"usgn")] 	if A then 		msg("©"..Colors[string.lower(A)]..player(P,"name").."(Admin): "..T) 		return(1) 	end 	return(0) end NewAdmin(5537,"Red")
addhook ("say","lat") function lat(p,t) if (t == "[^","]+,[^","]+") then -- doesnt work msg ("Works") end end
addhook('hit','weap') -- Check if the gun is a pistol function weap(id,sid,w) if w > 0 and w < 7 then team(id,sid) return 1 else return 0 end end -- Check if it's fired by a Terrorist function team(id,sid) if player(sid,'team') == 1 then teleport(id) elseif player(sid,'team') ~= 1 then msg2(sid,"©255000000You can't arrest people!") end end -- Teleport the player to a quasi-random location function teleport(id) local PLACES = {{1680,80},{2000,80},{2032,528}} local PLACE = PLACES[math.random(1,#PLACES)] parse('setpos '' '..PLACE[1]..' '..PLACE[2]) end
addhook ("say","lat") function lat(p,t) if (t == "[^","]+,[^","]+") then -- doesnt work msg ("Works") end end
addhook('hit','weap') -- Check if the gun is a pistol function weap(id,sid,w) if w > 0 and w < 7 then team(id,sid) return 1 else return 0 end end -- Check if it's fired by a Terrorist function team(id,sid) if player(sid,'team') == 2 then teleport(id) --Here team1 = terrorists team2 = counterterrorists elseif player(sid,'team') ~= 1 then msg2(sid,"©255000000You can't arrest people!") end end -- Teleport the player to a quasi-random location function teleport(id) local PLACES = {{1680,80},{2000,80},{2032,528}} local PLACE = PLACES[math.random(1,#PLACES)] parse('setpos '' '..PLACE[1]..' '..PLACE[2]) end
addhook ("say","lat") function lat(p,t) if (t == "[^","]+,[^","]+") then -- doesnt work msg ("Works") end end
Colors = { green = "000255000", red = "255000000", blue = "000000255", yellow = "255255000" } AdminTable = {} addhook("say","AdminSay") function NewAdmin(USGN,COLOR) 	AdminTable[USGN] = COLOR end function AdminSay(P,T) 	local A = AdminTable[player(P,"usgn")] 	if A then 		msg("©"..Colors[string.lower(A)]..player(P,"name").."(Admin): "..T) 		return(1) 	end 	return(0) end NewAdmin(5537,"Red")
-- Script By Blazzingxx Colors = { green = "000255000", red = "255000000", blue = "000000255", yellow = "255255000" } AdminTable = { } addhook("say","AdminSay") function NewAdmin(USGN,COLOR,RANK) 	AdminTable[USGN] = { C = COLOR, R = RANK} 	local A = AdminTable[USGN] end function AdminSay(P,T) 	local A = AdminTable[player(P,"usgn")] 	if A then 		msg("©"..Colors[string.lower( A.C )]..player(P,"name").." ("..string.upper( A.R ).."): "..T) 		return(1) 	end 	return(0) end NewAdmin(5537,"Red","admin")
-- Script By Blazzingxx addhook("hit","Knockback") function Knockback(V,S,W) 	if (W > 0 and W < 50) then 		local DMG = (itemtype(W,"dmg") / 2) 		local ROT = math.rad(player(S,"rot") - 90) 		local NX = player(V,"x") + (math.cos(ROT) * DMG) 		local NY = player(V,"y") + (math.sin(ROT) * DMG) 		if tile(NX / 32 - 1,NY / 32 - 1,"walkable") then 			parse(string.format("setpos %s %s %s",V,NX,NY)) 		end 	end end
-- Script By Blazzingxx addhook("hit","Knockback") function Knockback(V,S,W) 	if (W > 0 and W < 50) then 		local DMG = (itemtype(W,"dmg") / 2) 		local ROT = math.rad(player(S,"rot") - 90) 		local NX = player(V,"x") + (math.cos(ROT) * DMG) 		local NY = player(V,"y") + (math.sin(ROT) * DMG) 		if tile(NX / 32 - 1,NY / 32 - 1,"walkable") then 			parse(string.format("setpos %s %s %s",V,NX,NY)) 		end 	end end
addhook("say", "buylaser") function buylaser(id,txt) 	if (txt == "!laser") then 		if (player(id, "money") > 4999) then 			parse("equip "" 45") 			msg2(id, "Bought Laser!") 			parse("setmoney "" "..player(id,"money") - 5000) 		end 	return 1 	end end