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Englisch How to create a dedicated server?

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alt geschlossen How to create a dedicated server?

User Off Offline

Hello all! I just downloaded CS2D and i can say that i am surprised with the result.

I read the information about how to create a dedicated server but i didn't succedd.

Is there a specific guide that i can use? Or better a video?

Thank you!

alt Re: How to create a dedicated server?

User Off Offline

I just made a german guide some times ago. Now trying to translate as good as possible:
At first you need the server Tool. Go to and download the windows cs2d (WIN Full Download). In addition, you need (depending on your Operating System) the linux or the windows server. You download at Dedicated Servers for CS2D (currently) the one for linux OR for windows. If you want, you can download the RCon Viewer by kog too, helps much!

Next, you unpack CS2D in a new, empty folder and unpack the dedicated server in the same one.

Open the "sys" folder and the server(.cfg) file. If you don't have a programm for cfg files, just open it with notepad.

First line to work is "sv_name ". You put your Servers name after it!

Second line is "sv_hostport" . Here you can change the UDP Port on which the server will listen later! Remember this port.

"sv_password" is only needed, if you want that only people who have this password can join and play with you.
"sv_rcon" Very important! Write a password behind, that you know, is not to easy to find out and that you can give to others if you want. Something like the server name is not good!
This is the password, which you can use to control the server later (like mapchange, kick user etc.)

Very Important: "sv_lan" make sure, its 0 !
Save this file, close it and open mapcycle(.cfg). There you can write all maps (on each line) which the server later uses automatically (without mapvote) Just write some (or only one, if you want) save and close.
Nearly ready now!

The next thing is to forward the UDP port you remembered to the pc where the dedicated server is running.
If you have a v-server or a root server, this normally is NOT necessary!
Else, if you are running this at home. Noone here can really help you with this, because it's different from router to router. Normally you have to look for your (W-)LAN IP, cut the numbers after the last point and add a 1 there.
like if you have then cut the 5 and put a 1 there: ... Then a control menu for your router should open, where you have to enter password and then can configurate NAT, important is to FORWARD the port to the ip of the pc which runs the dedicated server.

Starting the server:
Windows: open cs2d_dedicated(.exe)
Linux: open /cs2d/ in console, do chmod -R 777 on ./cs2ddedicated
then switch to a Not-Root user, and start the server with ./cs2ddedicated

If you downloaded Rcon Viewer at the beginning, it's very easy to use:
Open it, enter IP:port of the server in the line.
Then press ADD.
Now it should be shown in the list down there. Klick on it, it should now be refreshed. Write your rcon password (you set it at configuration!) in the RCON PASSWORD line, press save and test. If there now is OK, your password was correct, if not, try again.
There you can now change easily your servers options.
A list of all possible commands can be found here

Now more of the configurations:
• sv_name SERVERNAME << Name of server
• sv_hostport 36963 << UDP port, on which the server runs
• sv_password PASSWORD << Server password
• sv_rcon PASSWORD << Rcon password
• sv_maxplayers 10 << Highest number of players who are on the server at one time!
• sv_fow 1 << Fog of war activated or not?
• sv_friendlyfire 0 << Friendlyfire activated or not?
• sv_lan 0<< only show server on LAN
• sv_usgnonly 0 << only people who are logged in to USGN can join
• sv_maptransfer 1 << Maps should be transfered to people who don't have them
• sv_spraytransfer 1 << Can spraylogos be sent?
• sv_gamemode 0 << Which mode? (Deathmatch, Normal, Construction etc)
• sv_specmode 1 << Spectator, only Team, ALL or FREE
• sv_map de_dust << The map, the server loads on start
• mp_timelimit 25 << time in minutes, one map is played
• mp_winlimit 50 << wins a team has to got for mapchange
• mp_roundlimit 100 << rounds one map is played
• mp_roundtime 5 << time in minutes one round has
• mp_freezetime 0 << time at beginning of round, on which players cannot move, only buy!
• mp_buytime 0.5 << time in minutes where players can buy something
• mp_startmoney 600 << money a player gets on connect
• mp_teamkillpenalty 3 << player gets punished at ... teamkills
• mp_hostagepenalty 8 << player gets punished at ... hostagekills
• mp_tkpunish 0 << player gets punished for teamkill
• mp_idlekick 1 << players get kicked for being idle
• mp_vulnerablehostages 1 << can hostages be killed?
• mp_autoteambalance 1 << server automatically balances teams
• bot_prefix [b] << bot names start with these letters
• bot_count 0 << number of bots in game
• bot_jointeam << ??
• bot_skill 2 << who weak/strong are bots?

PS: At yes/no questions, 1 is yes and 0 is no!

alt Re: How to create a dedicated server?

User Off Offline

did you try to connect via LAN tab? sometimes your server is only shown in LAN tab, even if sv_lan is deactivated. Sometimes, the others can join even if you only see it in LAN tab!

alt Re: How to create a dedicated server?

Dark M
User Off Offline

Were I cen get and set that firewall please tell me.I am try to find it on google but I not find it. Please give me link for that to I can easy find it and donwload it(free). Pls
1× editiert, zuletzt 16.06.09 09:16:09
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