Once I have all the sounds working for the whales and Dolphines ill upload it.I asked in the Scripting questions thread,so look there and see if you can help.I have also made it so to make the Dolphine a vehicle you first have to have a fish in your inventory and,it will create the unit as a watercraft on use then when you swim up to the dolphine ,use and if you have fish in inventory it will freestored item,and you ride dolphine..Oh someone tell me if its sweet to include Massivemod cause it wont work with out it,because I get an error message saying "count between 1 and 100 expected or something.
I will hopefully release it on Friday,and I hope every 1 uses this mod in there own mods to make the game awsome.
What shall we call this mod?It is up to you all,Yoo better decide a name Befor I release,everyone who will play it can name it.How does "The Endemic Life" sound?. edited 4×, last 26.01.09 01:03:49 pm