
> > CS2D > Misc. > Java CS2D Map Library

Englisch Java CS2D Map Library >

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alt Java CS2D Map Library

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Java CS2D Map Library

Version 0.2 (Alpha, expect bugs)
Tested on CS2D v1.0.0.6

Have you ever felt tired of doing repetitive things in the map editor such as placing several hundred trees or adding random decals everywhere? This library may help you by allowing you to write Java code that can programmatically create and modify maps!

This is a Java code library for Java developers that allows loading or saving cs2d maps. Moreover, new maps can be created and modified directly in Java from scratch. Things like tiles and backgrounds can be changed, entities can be created and edited and much more!

NOTE: Please note that regular cs2d users wont have much use for this, as you need at least some java development skills to be able to use this.

∗ Saving cs2d maps
∗ Loading cs2d maps
∗ Changing tiles
∗ Changing/Adding entities
∗ Changing metadata like author of map
∗ Changing tileset/backgrounds
And much more

For more detailed info and instructions, check out The Wiki

Maven Dependency >

Please note that due to the early stage in development of this library, its quite possible that maps generated may turn out to be corrupted. if you receive a corrupted map then please send it to me so i could debug and track down what caused the problem.

Changelog >


Screenshot Description >
9× editiert, zuletzt 08.12.17 15:18:24
Zugelassen von Yates

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337 kb, 374 Downloads


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Not sure if this will be useful for many people, but I see that you did a difficult job when creating this
Ich mag es!


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@user united: Thank you united
i am definetly planning on updating this alot or atleast untill im certain its fully functional, feel free to checkout the github page to see progress, report issues or add suggestions

regarding web languages, my friend @user Benutzer existiert nicht: who is a pretty awesome developer, is working on a wrapper for my library, allowing anyone to run it in NODE.js

and yeah your right, the cave map really reminds of stranger things


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Woah, nice!
Hope you keep improving it.

aham, would be better if done in javascript or some web language, aham. just saying...

ps: cave map looks like the upside down from Stanger Things
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